Wednesday 13 January 2010

Wednesday 13th January, 2010

Light snow as I walk to the station - no more than a light drizzle that just happens to be a bit chilly. FCC have promised a return to the new improved revised timetable today, but I arrive at the station to find they have managed to create havoc out of even these 'severe weather conditions' (or do they just provide a convenient ongoing smokescreen?).

The delayed 08.06 to Sevenoaks manages to drag itself from its siding and into the platform at around half past. We make it as far as Kentish Town, where the driver informs us that, due to the severe delay to this service, and the severe weather conditions, the train will terminate. But it's ok, he tells us, there are other trains behind us and he thinks they might be going as far as St Pancras. Great!

What he doesn't tell us, but of course what we all know, is that every following service will already be stuffed fuller than the oven on Christmas Day, will be at least as hot and will smell a lot worse. Realising that there is more chance of FCC showering us with tenners than being able to get even a single additional person on, the entire passenger count makes a dive for the Northern Line for a second helping of commuter horror. Two trains come and go before I am able to board, and the one I am able to get on isn't going where I want to go. Still, I figure it's better to get on and at least head vaguely in the right direction.

Several trains later I emerge, and realise that I forgot to swipe my oyster card when I got on the underground. I only need to say 'First Capi..' to the man at the barrier before he gives me a pitying look and lets me through.

I should have gone home by now, but FCC's website says all Northbound trains are leaving from St Pancras, one every 15 minutes and on balance I prefer to sit here than face the overcrowding and unpleasantness. It's all very depressing. Still, at least travelling with FCC there is little chance of finding a train to throw yourself under.


  1. I shall miss this stuff if they ever sort your trains out.

  2. That's good to know, thanks, but I don't think you have much to worry about on that score. I suspect I will be writing in crayon before that happens!
