Friday 8 January 2010

Thursday 7th January, 2010

Spoke too soon.

As I walk to the station through Wednesday's thick snow my suspicions are slightly aroused as there seem to be more people than usual walking the other way. Nobody says anything. Perhaps they are just out enjoying a nice walk before it all turns grey?

Arrive to find chaos at the station. Major power supply problems caused by the weather conditions. No trains travelling North or South except one Northbound train due to arrive in the next 20 minutes, which will then go on to Bedford, turn around, and return to London calling at all stations en route.

How can this be possible. Presumably either there is power or there isn't. I seem to recall from my Hornby days that when you unplug the train set it all stopped. I don't remember one train being able to escape. Maybe it's more complicated that that? Perhaps FCC still has some steam driven rolling stock.

I debate with myself whether to stick around for 20 minutes to witness the Flying Scotsman passing through, and then wait a further 2 hours for it to return to transport me to London. It's fair to say that it's not a long debate, and I head for home.

On the way I mention the lack of trains to people heading towards me. The reaction is mixed. Some offer a resigned shrug, others a 'tut' or two, most are pretty cheery about it and one fellow shouted with delight and performed a double axel followed by a triple toe loop (I know this because I am forced to watch T***ers on Ice or whatever it is called).

All, however, seem at least grateful to have someone tell them what was going on and save them walking all the way to the station.

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