Tuesday 19 January 2010

Tuesday 19th January, 2010

Today I aim for the 08.00 fast service, and repeat yesterday's preparations, albeit a little earlier. I decide this must be the time that most people are getting ready for work (in our street at least) as the water pressure in the shower is considerably reduced (does it really work like that?).

I arrive at the station on time, but this time I find that an earlier cancellation has led to a busy platform, and little prospect of me getting on my chosen train. I am therefore presented with the option of the 08.06 stopping service, or the following 08.11 fast, both of which are allegedly on time. My newfound resolve sees me adopt the ultimate high risk approach, and I forego a guaranteed seat on the 08.06 in favour of the promised faster journey time of the 08.11. It works, up to a point. The 08.11 is perfectly on time, but again it is standing room only.

If the power walking is to continue, the strategy may have to be more seat focussed.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Typo!
    Great blog, have been following for a couple of weeks and read all previous - so true but so funny.

    Anyway my point in commenting is that Wednesday was a new one for me, well two actually.

    Dope and Ghost trains!

    I arrived at the station at silly O'clock (just after 06.15 to the uninitiated)to catch the 06.27 (no shower problems for me and even a few seats - still I stand in case I get used to something I will never get at anything after 7am with out getting close and personal with someone I neither know nor want to know) fast service to St P and on to Woking where our head office is; via the tube and South-West trains (an altogether better service than FCC but that isn't saying very much), arriving at the ungodly hour of 08.00 but securing a seat in the under resources hot desk culture that Management Consultancy has become.

    Upon arrival at the station I am met by one of the station staff (not a cleaner - this was a uniformed member of - dare I say it - the station management team? well lets hope not!), leaning against the wall by the not so informative information point, smoking what smelled very much like cannabis and looking ever so like a joint - but for legal reasons (and this comment registering my name)I would not be able to prove that to be the case. Perhaps this is what is wrong with FCC management - they are all stoned (question not statement)? Revelation 1.

    Reeling from revelation 1, I entered the ticket hall, with my pre-purchased ticket in hand (proper planning prevents piss poor performance - something that FCC could perhaps practice?)and glancing at the overhead display, saw that the 06.27 was on time and that the time was 06.24 - better get my skates on! I pass through the gates and out on to the platform, up the stairs and over to platform 3. I am surprised to be met by a few commuters heading towards me but thought that perhaps they were from platform 2 where a train stood waiting departure to the sidings possibly. I arrive on the platform a minute or so later and check the over head display, yes my train is still expected at 06.27 but there is no one on the platform. Strange, I look at the display again and the train has gone; I look at the time and it is 06.28 - WHAT? How has it taken 3 minutes to pass from the ticket hall to platform 3 and how has the train appeared and left in that time without me seeing it? I blame the cloud of dope smoke I 'alegedly' wandered through as I entered the station! So now we can not only suggest that the station management are stoned but that they are also trying to stupefy us upon entering the station, perhaps in order to pacify us, as what they laughably call a service, falls into complete disarray one minute after they all turn up for work! Revelation 2.

    Let's see what tomorrow brings - well Friday, today was a good old WFH day!

  3. Hi Henry, thanks v much for reading, and for your comments. Nice to hear from a proper hard core commuter. That's some journey you have to make!
    I imagine that those poor FCC employees have to resort to extreme relaxation techniques just to avoid madness.
    I also think you may have 'hit' on a suggestion for the next FCC 'meet the managers' forum - free joints for delayed passengers. Wouldn't necessarily improve the service, but would make the journey a lot more mellow.
    Happy travelling, Ron
