Friday 18 December 2009

Friday 18th December, 2009

Woke to thick snow in St Albans. Kids’ school closed, so imperative that I get to work. Doubly so because today is our Xmas lunch. Trebly because I love the experience of London in winter. That first step out of the station to feel the lovely crunch of virgin gravel and salt mix underfoot, the splash of grey slush up your trouserlegs, ahh bliss...

Checked the FCC website. Trains running. Very pleasant walk to the station (really). Arrive to find the FCC boys and girls clearing snow from the path. Train waiting at the platform. So far, so good.

Boarded train, sat down, waited. Waited some more. Driver announced that train had broken down. Got off train (a ‘passenger disembarkation’ according to official FCC terminology).

Bumped into an old friend on the platform & boarded the next train. Found 2 seats together & sat down. Friend rose again rapidly after unwanted broken spring / buttock interface. Train stopped at all stations to compensate for failure of previous service. Usual pleas from driver to keep doors clear of human or other obstruction to enable them to close. Reached Farringdon somewhat delayed but without further incident.

Message from fellow sufferer with picture of sticker seen on this morning’s train:

Fellow sufferer would like to thank the person who put it there for expressing our feelings. Hear hear!

Head for home, slightly the worse for wear. Catch slightly delayed, slightly blurred random train. Not at all busy. During walk home I reflect on FCC’s performance today and find myself feeling strangely positive. Big cheers for the staff clearing the footpath this morning and, after all, FCC got me there, and back, in reasonable time and without major incident. Then find myself wondering why I feel like this? Plenty of trains have been cancelled or delayed. It has taken three trains to do a job, when ordinarily two would suffice, and my total journey time was probably about 45 mins longer than it should have been had I been confident enough to rely on the running and comfort of the non stopping services. I suppose it was just better for me than the total chaos we have become conditioned to expect on a snowy day.

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